Upcoming Seminary Courses

Interested in auditing or enrolling in a course for credit at Providence Theological Seminary? Find out this year’s course offerings below:

Featured 2025 Courses

Semester Courses:

OT5303 Wisdom: Job/Proverbs (Nate Wall-Bowering)

Thursday evenings from January to April at Faith Covenant Church in Winnipeg (1229 Windermere Avenue). A study of Wisdom Literature, with emphasis on one of Proverbs, Job, or Ecclesiastes. Attention will be given to textual and historical issues, genre, and narrative and canonical shaping as these texts address profound issues of humanity: suffering, loss, daily life, and God’s work in his world.

NT5302 Synoptic Gospels (Dr. David Johnson)

This course is a study of the nature of the Gospels and their witness to Jesus. The 2025 iteration of the course is a seminar examining the literary structure and theological meaning of the Gospel of Mark.


January 6-10

IS5104 Incarnation & Ministry (Dr. Daryl Climenhaga)

An examination of the role of affluence in the theory and practice of Christian missions from the West, with special attention to ethical and communicatory implications of global socio-economic disparity.

Registration Forms:

I would like to audit or take a course for credit at Providence.

I am in ministry and would like to audit a course at a discount.

I would like to enroll in a degree program at Providence.

I am a Providence Alum and would like to apply for a bursary.

I am a senior (65+) and would like to apply for a senior bursary.

For additional information, contact the Registrar’s Office

For a full list of course offerings, view the Academic Calendar.

Questions? Contact Us