Get Involved
Our campus community is diverse. We have students, staff and faculty from all over the world, representing different cultures and faith backgrounds. But we all learn, grow and worship together! It’s a vibrant community in which to participate, and we have numerous ways for you to do just that.
Student Events
All students are invited to start the year together at a Welcome Banquet in September. During the year we also have a variety of events from games nights and bonfires to lectures and panel discussions and we host a missions conference entitled Missio Dei which underlines the global nature of Christianity at Providence. There is always something to do on campus! Check out our Events Calendar.
We also offer varsity sports, numerous intramural sports options, including floor hockey and ultimate frisbee. And our state-of-the-art fitness centre will help you keep moving during the school year.
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Love music? Enjoy performing? Rejoice in showing your love for Jesus in a worship group? Excellent! Find out more about joining a worship band or singing in a choir!
Student Leadership
Our student leaders are essential in fostering our inclusive learning community. They also receive mentoring and support from Student Life staff while living and serving as servant-leaders among their peers.
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