Past Issue

The Winter 2021 issue of Didaskalia was on “Death and Resurrection.”


Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • “The Bravest Thing is Always Hope: Questions of Death in the Psalms” – Christopher R. Lortie
  • “Revisiting Penal Substitution and Recovering the Passion Prayers of Jesus: Which ‘Cup,’ and How ‘Forsaken’ (Matt 26:39; 27:46)?” – Edmund Neufeld
  • “From Mere Christianity to Me Christianity” – Douglas Webster
  • “Menno Simons: Shaper of Evangelical Theology” – Geoff Butler

From the Front Lines

From the Pulpit to the Lectern

  • “At the Spanish Border: Homilies for Good Friday and Easter Sunday” – David Widdicombe
  • “A Sermon for All Saints”  – Robert J. Dean
  • “’I Died’: Thoughts on Christ and Death, with a Few Words on Preaching” – Joseph Mangina

Book Reviews

  • Funerals by Tim Perry – Clyde Ervine
  • The End of the Christian Life by Todd Billings – Joseph Fiorentino
  • Jesus and the Forces of Death by Matthew Thiessen – Christopher Lortie
  • Three Hours by Fleming Rutledge – Andrew Colman
  • A Time to Keep by Ephraim Radner – Rachel Yousef
  • Joshua by Lissa Wray Beal – Matthew Lynch
  • Recovering the Monstrous in Revelation by Heather Macumber – Joel Hingston
  • The Abyss in Revelation by Edward Gudeman – Chris Loewen
  • Rationality, Humility, and Spirituality in Christian Life by Dennis Hiebert – Jonathan Wilson