Home 9 About Providence 9 Faculty Features 9 Dr. Michael Gilmour


Distinguished Professor of New Testament & English Literature, University College


Michael Gilmour teaches New Testament and English literature at Providence. He studied at Lakehead University (B.A.), Providence Theological Seminary (M.A.), the University of Manitoba (M.A.), and McGill University (Ph.D.), and joined the faculty in the late 1990s. Much of his research focuses on the intersection of religion and the arts, often turning his attention to the writings of Bob Dylan and C. S. Lewis. Gilmour is also deeply interested in animal ethics and regularly teaches a course on the subject. His writings on this issue attempt to articulate a specifically Christian vision of our duty to care for nonhuman animals. He is a committed vegan and a Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics.

Q: Before arriving at Providence, where did you live and what did you do?

I grew up in Thunder Bay and though I haven’t lived there for many years, I still consider it home. Early aspiration? Rock star. But alas, that didn’t pan out so I went to school and never left.

Q: What about Providence was appealing to you?

I first visited the campus in 1985 when I was still in high school, and was hooked from the start. The very idea of Providence – the serious pursuit of knowledge in service of the kingdom – excites me still.

Q: What is something you hope people will learn from your classes?

The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. I invite students to think deeply about this and hope it leads them to an all-inclusive theological and ethical vision that takes creation care seriously.

Q: What is your teaching philosophy?

I don’t have a philosophy as such but my habit is to blur the lines between my own research interests and teaching. If I’m thinking or reading or writing about something, odds are it finds its way into the classroom. Exchanging ideas with students is always a highlight for me, and I hope for them it sparks an academic curiosity about our subjects that remains long after classes are done.

Q: What do you like to do outside of work?

I own and watch a ridiculous number of Humphrey Bogart films.

Q: Do you have a favourite quote?

“There’s a white diamond gloom on the dark side of this room
And a pathway that leads up to the stars
If you don’t believe there’s a price for this sweet paradise
Remind me to show you the scars”

– Bob Dylan, “Where Are You Tonight? (Journey Through Dark Heat)”