by Madison Franks, Student Writer
OTTERBURNE, MB – Before beginning my third year at Providence, I associated my university with cars, early mornings, dark evenings and highways. The reason I no longer equate these things with my education is because I decided to stop spending my hours behind the wheel and to start living in residence on-campus.
Picture this: As I sat in a second-year classroom, I was perfectly content to continue as a commuting student until the professor said something that sparked a conversation about living in dorm. One classmate shared how the experience of living in residence was worth the money. I distinctly remember internally scoffing at that remark. There was no way I could be convinced to move out of my house and into a residence building where I would be living with 100 other people when I only live 20 minutes away from campus.
As winter approached, the days became shorter and colder and months passed by. I don’t remember the exact moment, but it wasn’t too long before I began re-considering my decision to commute to school. I was no longer scoffing at the classroom comment, and I began a plan to live on-campus and in dorm.
So, what is living in dorm really like? And why do I enjoy it so much? Residence life can be summed up in four descriptive words – “chaotic, entertaining, lively, and fun.” If your favourite evening activity is watching movies, there is a student who puts on films to watch in community every week.
If you enjoy the outdoors, there are students who love stretching their legs and taking a break from paper writing to stroll (or ski) along the campus trails. There are board game nights, dinner parties, Pilots’ games and care groups that help cultivate a close-knit community.
You may be saying to yourself, “That sounds fun if you want people surrounding you all the time! But what about those of us who are not so socially inclined?”
Have no fear. The exciting thing about Providence is that you can be either an extrovert on the far end of the scale or an introvert on the opposite, and there will be events and activities to appease both groups. You will be happy to learn that you can find students who prefer a night alone in their dorm room as opposed to one involving the entire residence hall. That is where the beauty and spaciousness of the residence buildings come into play.
I am an early riser which means I have the privilege of seeing the other side of residence life. Waking up before 7 am at a university means you are one of a small handful of students. I like to wake up to the sun with its rays flooding into my bedroom. The building in which I live, Muriel Taylor Hall, is arguably one of the best lit buildings in Manitoba with lots of natural light. The windows take up entire walls giving the impression of dwelling in a snow globe in winter months. Other residence halls such as Kindred or Pearce are cozy buildings that make you feel like you’re still at home.
Although all of the things mentioned above are contributors to why I enjoy dorm life, it truly is the community of people living on campus that make it all worthwhile. It has felt like I have left one family to dwell with another. The people who surround me help create a healthy and safe environment in residence. It is one of friendship, love and joy – the ideal qualities of any home.
If you’d like to stay in residence during your school year, there are still spots available. If you are a first year student, please let your Enrollment Officer know. They will give you a ‘Residence Information Form’ to fill out, as well as guide you through the process of submitting a $150 damage deposit.