Spiritual Life
We are a Christian community that travels the journey of faith together. Providence graduates are leaders in their churches, workplaces and neighbourhoods because of the spiritual formation they’ve received here.
Worship and Growth
A Christ-centred approach informs every course we teach, and chapel times bring the community together for praise, prayer and contemplation. Other events such as Missio Dei and the Day of Prayer are also part of spiritual life on campus.
Day of Prayer
The Providence Day of Prayer begins with a time of worship at midnight and continues the next day with various events and sessions.
Community Chapel
Wednesday at 11:10am
Students, staff and faculty worship together each Wednesday. Community chapels feature a creative mix of music, prayer and proclamation while providing an opportunity for the entire Providence community to meet as one. We believe that worshipping together produces a stronger community.
Dean’s Chapel
Tuesday at 11:10am
This chapel, presided over by the University College Dean, helps the Providence community engage biblical text in a meaningful way. A liturgy of song and scripture allows participants to connect with a style of worship that has been in use for centuries.
STUCO Chapel
Friday at 11:30am
Friday chapel times are organized by the Student Council’s Spiritual Life Committee. They enable significant participation and the opportunity for students to connect with one another. STUCO chapels will include times of singing, prayer and discipleship, as well as other creative outlets in which participants can connect with one another and with God.