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Providence student body continues to grow, diversify

Feb 5, 2018 | Institution / General, News

Last month Providence welcomed more new students than at any time over the past decade. Additionally, the 500 students presently registered through the University College, Seminary and Mile Two Discipleship School is the most since 2009.

At the recent Harvest Festival banquet, Providence President Dr. David Johnson pointed to several reasons for optimism at the institution, among them enrollment numbers that show a 20 per cent increase in new registrations. Both the University College and Seminary are experiencing multi-year, upward trends in enrollment, and the 301 students presently receiving University College education represents a six-year high.

“We have a great team of enrollment officers and they are recruiting students for a broader range of programs, including a new Anabaptist track in the Master of Divinity, a new Bachelor of Science degree and a new Bachelor of Business Administration degree offered by the Buller School of Business,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Otterburne campus continues to diversity.

There are currently 111 international students at Providence representing Africa, Central and South America, Asia, Europe and the United States. Also notable are the 97 students from Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia. Providence continues to expand its reach, ergo expanding its mission.

Among the popular study areas in the University College is Business—offered through the Buller School of Business, which was launched in 2016. Seventy students are pursuing Business degrees at Providence, 34 of which are in the Bachelor of Business Administration program. Sociology and Social Science are growth areas as well, and Psychology continues to be a robust driver of enrollment. The 18 Aviation students is an all-time high. There are also seven students working towards their Master of Arts degrees in TESOL and TTESOL. With 44 registrations, TESOL is the most popular Minor program.

In the Seminary, 110 students are studying Counselling and Counselling Psychology—102 at the Master’s Degree level. Thirty-six of those are Distance students—a 46 per cent jump from the same time last year. There has also been growth in Educational Ministries, and 17 students are registered in the Master of Divinity program. Another 17 are pursuing their Doctor of Ministry.

Finally, Mile Two Discipleship School continues to be a go-to gap-year program, and 11 students will live in community, immerse themselves in Scripture, serve their communities and travel to Israel together in 2017-18.

Dr. Johnson also used the Harvest Festival to announce that the IMPACT 2020 campaign—the largest fundraising initiative in Providence history—had recently surpassed $11 million in cash donations and pledges, or 88 per cent of its goal. That, combined with a third straight budget surplus, will help to ensure that there is further growth, and more reasons for optimism, in the years ahead.

“We have something to offer the world that no one else has,” he said. “At this time in history Christian universities and seminaries have a life-changing and world-changing part to play. We make a difference in this messed-up world.”

Photos by Morgan Krogstad
