Providence joins with many other individuals, organizations and higher educational institutions to decry the racism most recently displayed on the streets of Minneapolis. We sympathize with those who have lost loved ones to this vice, endemic in the human race. Based on our Christian faith, we also have hope for equal opportunity for minorities and new immigrants and hope for changed mindsets and practices for the Euro-Canadian majority who sometimes don’t recognize their particular privilege in our society. Most of all, we have hope for deep and abiding reconciliation among all peoples and all creation.
We believe these hopes are not in vain, because of God, who has instituted a plan to eliminate alienation through the work of the Son of God which has broken down every wall of hostility (Ephesians 2:14). We call specifically on the church to exhibit the multi-coloured wisdom of God through the spread of the mystery of God’s grace (Ephesians 3:10). We pray with all the saints that the love of God, which surpasses knowledge, will manifest itself among us in these days (Ephesians 3:19).
– President David Johnson