Having recently surpassed the initial IMPACT 2020 goal of $12.5 million, Providence is excited to announce the increase of this transformational campaign—already the largest fundraising initiative in the institution’s history—to $14.5 million.
“IMPACT 2020 is revolutionizing Providence,” says President Dr. David Johnson. “We want to provide a great educational experience for every student who wants to come to Providence. The increased IMPACT 2020 goal will help us provide this experience.”
As of the end of 2018, more than $12.7 million has been committed to the campaign in cash and pledges. Encouragingly, those funds have come from more than 7,600 gifts on behalf of more than 1,300 donors.
“We praise the Lord for his faithfulness and for the many supporters who have joined us on this journey,” says Cody Quiring, Vice President External Relations. “And there is still work to be done!”
Following the loss of the Bergen Hall residence to fire in June 2017 a committee was struck to oversee the feasibility, planning and construction of a new facility. Last November work commenced at the site that will soon become the brand-new Living and Learning Centre. Housing approximately 60 students and including communal spaces such as a lounge, seminar hub and laundry room, the building will officially open ahead of the 2019-20 school year.
Additional IMPACT 2020 support will be designated to the Living and Learning Centre, as well as ongoing educational and employment enhancements.
“We will continue to enhance our program offerings, improve our facilities and offer more scholarships and bursaries,” explains Dr. Johnson. “Staff and faculty will be better trained and the academic Christian discipleship we provide every day will continue. Our vision is to be a leading Canadian Christian university.”
Acknowledging the generosity of friends, alumni, churches and businesses, as well as Providence employees, Quiring points out that the new IMPACT 2020 goal will provide further opportunities for new and existing Providence supporters to be difference-makers in the lives of students.
“Thank you to all who have joined us on this journey this far and to those who are considering supporting students as they grow in knowledge and character for leadership and service,” he says. “We are ecstatic about the future of Providence, and we thank you for considering the opportunity to come alongside us and make a profound impact on Providence students, the church and the world.”