Seminary: Public Lecture (Chronicles of Narnia)
Seminary: Public Lecture (Chronicles of Narnia)
“What Narnia Teaches Us About Being Mere Christians Today”
In this lecture, we will consider how we can read C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia, from a practical theological point of view. In an increasingly post-Christian age, the Chronicles continue to gain popularity with each generation. Lewis believed that by visiting the imaginary Narnian world we could more clearly see what is going on in our world, and what God is up to in it. From his many letters to children, it is evident that he expected adults to use these stories as a primer for children to think through deep theological matters early in life. In particular, the lecture will explore the ways in which the seventh book, The Last Battle, teaches us about how to live as mere Christians in our current cultural moment.
Presenter: Dr. Dwain Tissell, Western Seminary, Portland
Location: Fourth Ave Bible Church, 62 Fourth Avenue South, Niverville / Zoom
REGISTER HERE (in person or Zoom).