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Dr. Kent Anderson Named as Next President

Dec 1, 2020 | Institution / General, News

Otterburne, MB – December 1, 2020 – The Board of Governors at Providence University College and Theological Seminary is pleased to announce that Dr. Kenton C. Anderson has been selected as our institute’s 15th president. Anderson will succeed current President David Johnson on June 1, 2021.

Anderson comes to Providence from Northwest Baptist Seminary in Langley, BC where he has served for 25 years as both president and professor of homiletics. He is a member of the board of directors of the Association of Theological Schools and the Fellowship of Evangelical Seminary Presidents. He is also a founder and executive partner of Symporus, providing leading technology and services to schools and missional organizations throughout North America.

He is best known for his pioneering leadership in competency-based theological education, having developed the first CBTE degree program accredited by the ATS, with a co-authored book on the subject forthcoming.

Anderson is also widely known for his work as a preacher and homiletician, with 12 years of full-time pastoral experience in the Fellowship Baptist movement in Western Canada. He has preached and taught in hundreds of churches across North America and the world. He has published four books on preaching, including Integrative Preaching from Baker Academic Press. He is also a founding member and past-president of the Evangelical Homiletics Society.

We are honoured to welcome our next President to Providence,” Chair of the Board of Governors, Joan Franz said“We think this is an exciting time in our history. We eagerly anticipate the strong and innovative leadership Dr. Anderson will bring to the university and seminary. He is a person of character who lives our values of Christ first, diversity of thought, community, exploration and academic excellence.” 

Anderson has dedicated most of his professional life to Christian education as a distinguished scholar, having graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX with a Doctor of Philosophy (1997).

“Dr. Anderson comes with a wealth of experience as an educator, author, pastor, dean and president. I am excited to see where he will lead Providence during the next stage of its mission, teaching people to grow in knowledge and character for leadership and service for Christ in churches and neighbourhoods around the world,” remarked President David Johnson. “I look forward to all of us giving Dr. Anderson our best for the advancement of Christian higher education in Canada. May God grant us the Spirit of grace and peace during this time of transition and into the future.”

By the end of his term, Dr. David Johnson will have served as Providence’s President for nine years, advancing new academic programs and a better work environment, fostering an institutional living and learning philosophy, and focusing on the student experience and their wellbeing. Following his presidency, Johnson anticipates completing some long-postponed research and writing projects and doing some teaching on the side.

Jeff Pries, member of the Presidential Search Committee, offered special thanks to Dr. Johnson for his leadership. “His steadfast and godly approach in guiding our school has made us stronger and positioned us well for Dr. Anderson’s arrival. We are blessed to have had David lead us.”

The presidential transition will take place over the next seven months, and our Providence community will be processing many emotions. It’s difficult to say goodbye to a well-loved leader who’s served Providence for more than 30 years as professor, provost and president. But it’s also good that we can be confident in the next president to lead us well into the future.

“Upon meeting Dr. Anderson for the first time, our committee knew there was something special about this man. That feeling was further re-enforced as we continued to meet with him, hear his heart for God and for His leading, and how that moved him to pursue the opportunity at Providence,” explained Pries. “Dr. Anderson’s passion, leadership ability, and entrepreneurial spirit is just what Providence needs as we embark on a post-pandemic era for our school.”

Anderson and his wife, Karen, have three grown children and four grandchildren. They enjoy music, the arts, and God’s creation outdoors together.

“I am greatly pleased to answer God’s call to serve the mission of Christian higher education at Providence,” Anderson says. “The multiplication of leaders for God’s Kingdom has been my lifelong mission and I look forward to pursuing that vision across the multiple and varied life applications and ministries that this university and theological school represents. People need what Providence offers, and by God’s grace, I anticipate new and larger possibilities as we take this treasure to the world.”

Check out our ‘Next President’ webpages HERE.
