Home 9 News 9 Institution / General 9 Brand-new PROV.ca tells the Providence story in modern, mobile-friendly and easily navigable format

Brand-new PROV.ca tells the Providence story in modern, mobile-friendly and easily navigable format

Feb 20, 2018 | Institution / General, News

A brand-new PROV.ca is communicating the Providence experience to current and prospective students, parents, alumni and supporters.

Officially launched Tuesday, February 20, this modern, mobile-friendly and easily navigable website showcases the academic programs and elements of spiritual formation and community life that combine to make up the Christ-centred experience on the Otterburne MB campus. Connecting with a friendly interface, users are able to easily locate and interact with their programs of interest, admissions advisors, alumni relations personnel and faculty.

Notably, all three Providence schools—the University College, Seminary and Mile Two Discipleship School—are unified at the new PROV.ca, and Providence Athletics has its own, new-look website at PROV.ca/Athletics.

“We’ve been working to give you a brand-new website, and we’re excited to announce that your new PROV.ca is now live,” says Cherry Wiebe, Vice President for Marketing & Communications. “Among the features you’ll enjoy is the friendly interface that invites you to navigate through the site—easily finding your program of interest, connecting with professors and giving you an opportunity to learn about the Providence community.”

Wiebe adds that alumni and supporters will be able to use the site to stay apprised of Providence events through the News, Alumni and Community sections. “This site was made just for you, and it’s available on your desktop and mobile device,” she says.

Upon visiting the site for the first time, users will notice a drop-down menu at the top of the screen and an inviting, image-driven format as they scroll down the page. Of particular interest to prospective students will be the Discover My Program feature, which allows for a refined search of the degree and diploma programs offered at Providence.

To help celebrate the launch of the new PROV.ca, visitors to the site are invited to take a screenshot of a program page, or a selfie of them visiting the website, and share to Instagram, Twitter or Facebook using the hashtag #MyProv and tagging @ProvManitoba. Each share will be entered into a draw for a Providence hoodie.
