Home 9 News 9 Institution / General 9 21st Golf Classic a success

21st Golf Classic a success

Jun 13, 2019 | Institution / General, News

Providence hosted its 21st Annual Golf Classic June 11, 2019 at Quarry Oaks in Steinbach, MB. Despite a wet start, 148 golfers participated in a fun, and eventually sunny, afternoon on the greens. The oversold crowd had opportunity to take part in specialty holes and games on the course, raffle, silent auction, and more.

“The day was such a success! We are thankful for the many sponsors, golfers, prize donors, and volunteers who all came together to make the day possible. Each is a critical supporter of our work at Providence, helping to make a difference on the lives of our students” said Samantha Groenendijk, Director of Development at Providence.

Over $60,000 was raised as a result of the day’s events. These funds, says Groenendijk, will go directly to impacting our students’ day-to-day experiences via scholarships which are a part of the Providence Fund. Providence is able to provide quality, Christ-centered education at an affordable rate thanks to a robust Providence Fund.

Participants shared their excitement about the day over a pulled pork dinner while raffle prizes and contest winners were announced. A team from Platinum Sponsor, CHVN 95.1 FM, were awarded the trophy for first place in the tournament.

Richard Bergmann, Director, Business Operations, represented Bison Transport, the event’s Title Sponsor. He spoke of Bison’s committed support of Providence and the success which Providence alumni have had as leaders within their organization, thanks to their influential Providence education.

“I am blown away by the support our students receive through the Annual Golf Classic. It was tremendous to connect with many friends of Providence,” said Cody Quiring, Vice-President, External Relations. “We have a long rich history with this tournament and look forward to it each year as an opportunity to engage our community in impacting Providence students.”

Catch a glimpse of the day!
